Hello, and welcome to our mom’s memorial site.

We would like to thank the people who sent us many of the photos that appear on the site. The time they took to locate and send us these pictures is greatly appreciated! In the younger pictures – mainly black and white – of our mom with her siblings, she is the older (and taller) of the group.

As many of you know, Carol had a lot of songs that she loved. These are a combination of her favourite songs, artists, and songs that just make us think of her. We hope that they do they same, and maybe remind you of her when you hear them. A couple of the songs really do seem to capture her spirit, and touch on who she was. We’ll let you guess which ones ; )

We wanted to put up our mom’s site first, but our dad’s will be done in the near future. His memorial page on Chapel Lawn (www.arbormemorial.ca) made its way to more people than our mother’s. She had a lot to do with this, due to the many people who were in touch with her following our father’s passing in January, 2018. His site will be: www.murraydickson.ca. Please email or leave a comment if you would like us to contact you when it is finished. Feel free to share any other thoughts, comments, or photos as well!

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– Mike and Daniel